

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

The Beauty of Butterflies

Butterflies are disappearing, but nobody kills directly. What happens is that there are places to live because of the destructive pace at which they are subjected wild spaces. "Our butterflies, treasures of biodiversity 'is the result of work for 35 years has developed the naturalist Peter Velasco and now collected in a volume edited by Caja Madrid and the publisher Lunwerg.

As the author points out, the presence of butterflies is one of the most trustworthy
indicators of the health of our environment. However, it is becoming harder to find species that for centuries were common and even abundant.

A less encouraging picture ever in the prevailing problems as the greenhouse effect, destruction of the ozone layer, increased forest fires, climate change ... which has prompted the concern of scientists and nature lovers and of all stakeholders in the conservation of wildlife.

According to Pedro Velasco, scientific advisor and photographer of nature, this unique publication on the Iberian butterflies "is intended for all audiences", and it includes hundreds of photographs and thorough descriptions of these insects, from their habitat and flight dates to their customs and location in mountains, moors, plains, river banks and Spanish forests.

Born minded informative, this book not only serve as mere consultation or memory of what once existed but for future generations understand and appreciate this part of the wilderness we have an obligation to preserve and appreciate and fortunately still persists in some parts of our country.

Its content is also a line of environmental conservation with a clear purpose: to teach the reader to recognize, observe, and above all protect the butterflies.

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

Where did all the butterflies?

Butterfly populations have declined greatly in recent years. Perhaps you have noticed that there are far fewer butterflies in their neighborhood than before! In the past, there were so many butterflies that clouds of migrating butterflies could sink ships to fill the sails. Also, "blood rains" were caused by millions of butterflies emerging from their cocoons, each dropping down a red droplet.You can imagine how many butterflies for this rain would be needed!

Her death

Most butterfly species are in danger of disappearing from the face of the Earth, this is thanks to that man by taking territory destroys the habitat of the same and they also die from the pollution that we produce in their environment.

Species Extinction

How many of you
and your beauty will be confined to textiles
of the spring
to youth tattoos
to pins of platinum and emeralds
or rubies
the ladies of the palace
how many wasted life in the ornament
or in the dark insectary of a museum
I'm feel crunch those wings
trapped in strange solutions
to the death make them last forever